Petroleum Division

The Petroleum Division (PD) of ASME strives to be the essential resource for mechanical engineers and other technical professionals in the oil and gas industry.


The ASME Petroleum Division was founded to provide mechanical engineers working in the areas of Petroleum, Natural Gas, Petrochemicals, Coal, Oil Shale, and others with the opportunity to participate in technical workshops and conferences while fostering the continued growth of engineering education and promotion of mechanical engineering as a career choice.

Petroleum Division Newsletter
- The Quaterly Barrel, January 2023

Student L.E.A.D. Program

The new Student L.E.A.D. (Leadership, Education and Development) Program is for college students that want to be involved in the future of ASME-Petroleum Division (PD). PD through its resources of information and member- volunteers, organizes and conducts technical conferences and workshops, fosters continued growth of engineering education, offers technical fellowship, promotes petroleum mechanical engineering as a career choice, and provides career development activities for engineers. The program will include students from universities in North America and Mexico. As members of the L.E.A.D Program, students will learn more about the Oil and Gas industry, network with professionals, and interact with other students who share similar interests. They will also have an opportunity to work on a resume worthy Oil and Gas related project.


Program Benefits.

  • Shape the future of your professional society.

  • Develop skills that can be used in your career

  • Association participation looks favorable on your resume.

  • Meet other students with similar interests.

  • Learn more about what the industry has to offer.

  • Opportunity to network within the industry and build contacts that will benefit you throughout your career.

  • Registration fee waved for any PD sponsored meeting/event that you choose to attend during your tenure as a member of the council.

Keep an eye out for more infomation as the team develops and fine tunes this program for the highest benefit to you, the L.E.A.D Students!

Early Career Engineers

Once you’ve become an engineer and are working in the petroleum industry with 10 years or less experience, ASME- Petroleum Division’s Early Career Committee will enhance your career path. It provides opportunities for career growth and development through networking at both formal and informal events outside of the regular workplace. Participants will be eligible for Professional development hours at specific events.
Events are held once a quarter in the Houston area. You can find out information about the next upcoming event by checking out the registration site HERE

ASME- Early Career Committee members:


Rigoberto Lopez


Madeleine Kopp

Kashan Ali Qazi

Joshua Montanez

Devvrat Singh Rathore

Jay Nagy

Contact Danielle Rojas, for more information.  

Funding Request

Let the Petroleum Division help you or your region with your mechanical engineering project or event!

Projects have included regional and local student Robotics competitions as well as C-STEM.  Projects must be related to the field of mechanical engineering and must incorporate a number of schools or regions in order to be considered.

Funding requests are reviewed by our executive panel of industry experts and are granted both on project content, relevance and adherance to the ASME Petroleum Divisions mission of promoting continued growth of engineering education and promotion of mechanical engineering as a career choice. 

To apply, complete the Petroleum Division Funding Request.  Please contact Jamie Hart, or Danielle Rojas, with any questions. 

Honors & Awards

One of the main tenets of ASME and the Petroleum Division is to support the art and science of mechanical engineering. Recognition through awards achieves this end in that it encourages innovation and greater levels of professional excellence.  Additionally, awards help to further the careers of practicing engineers. Bestowing awards is one of the greatest pleasures of our organization, because it allows a unique opportunity for the industry as a whole an unencumbered opportunity to look inside itself and discover its own greatness.

The Petroleum Division Awards Portfolio includes the following active awards:

Unit Awards:
Project Excellence Award
Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award
Rhodes Petroleum Industry Leadership Award
Keith Thayer Exceptional Early Career Award
Authur Lubinski OTC Best Paper Award
Karl Geoca Mechanical Engineering Acheivement Award
Albert (Al) Woelfel Best Mechanical Engineering Acheivement  (BMEA) Award
Albert (Al) Woelfel Best Mechanical Engineering Acheivement - Innovation Award

Society Awards:
Henry R. Worthington Medal
Lakshmi Singh Early Career Leadership Award

The majority of these awards depend on nominations.  Check them all out and nominate yourself of someone else!



Brian Webster
Chair | July 2024 - June 2025

Jim Kaculi
Immediate Past Chair | July 2024 - June 2025

Cassandra Dugal de la Garza
Member | July 2024 - June 2025

Madeleine Kopp
Member | July 2024 - June 2025

Ed Marotta
Member | July 2024 - June 2025

Nelia Mazula
Member | July 2024 - June 2025

Greg Kusinski
Member | July 2024 - June 2025

Matt Franchek
Member | July 2024 - June 2025

Jamie Hart,   Senior Manager
Staff Contact | July 2012 - Open

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